Monday, March 21, 2011

Photography Goals

1)Learn more about photoshop

2)Learn as much as I can about the business of photography

3)Learn how to save photo's to cd's and dvd's

4) Work for a photographer or a photography business

5)Accomplish getting a degree in photography

6)Buy camera equipment

7)Make my own logo,make my own business cards and make my own website

                  Each one of these goals make me want to learn more,I have so much more to learn. I want to learn more and I am sure if I have more goals I will be adding to this. Their is a lot of challenges when it comes to getting a degree but, I don't plan on giving up. I am sure at times it well be hard but,in the end I know it will all be worth it. In the future, I look forward to accomplish all of my goals and completing the steps to be a photographer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

City Life

     Before spring break our assignment was to take pictures of crowds or city life. I decided  to go down to the city of Philadelphia to the train station and the flower show. The theme of the flower show this year was Paris.As we walked in we saw the bottom of the eiffel tower,flowers,vendors,a band ,and we could smell the great smell of flowers. I went to the flower show with my mom and a friend of hers. It was nice afternoon and I enjoyed seeing all the unique kinds of flowers. This was my first time at the flower show and I would go back if I get a chance to. I think it is a great way to bring in spring and get ready for the spring weather. The train station is crowded with business people and vacationers.For this assignment I have a combination of pictures of inside the train station,outside the train station,and the flower show. I would like to share some of the pictures that I took that are my favoriate's. 
This one is one of my favorite images because it is a close up and I think it shows great perspective. I love the color and the flower.  
When we walked into the flower show this is what we first saw.  It was a unique sight and amazing.  The eiffel tower looks so real and unbelievable, that it could possiably be the the real eiffel tower. 
This image I think came out better with my film camera,but this is with my digital and I really love the look of it. I like how this image has a old time feel. This image reemids me me of a scene from a movie where men are shoe shining on the street. 
I like this image because I think you get the feel of how the city really is everyday.When I think of  the city one of the things that come to mind are taxis. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Depth of Feild

One of my assignments for my photography class was depth of feild. I have never taken depth of feild pictures before. At first I thought it was going to be challenging but, it wasn't. Before I started shooting my images I learned a little about depth of feild. Depth of feild is when you focus on one object and is when their is a distance between the nearest and further object. My teacher wanted everyone to try to accomplish focusing on one object and have the background be blury. I was excited to try to accomplish this because I love the look of these pictures but, I have not been able to do it. I took pictures my pictures at Morris Arboretum. It was my first time at Morris Arboretum and I thought it was beautiful. I would go back in an instant. I had so much fun taking pictures their. The picture above I took at Morris Arboretum and I zoomed in and took this with my digitial but,I took the same picture with my film camera. I changed this image to a black and white because I would like you to get the perspective of how it would look with my film camera. The only difference of this image on my film camera is it may not be blury.I hope you like this image of mine.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A good friend once told me

My friend Liz had me listen to this song and she said "everyone should listen to this song everyday". I agree I think everybody should listen to this song everyday.I love this song. I think it is so true. I would suggest anyone listening to this song because I think it is advice and something to think about. One of my favoriate lines in the song is "do something everyday that scares you". If you would like listen to this song,it may just inspire you,and let me know what you think.

I couldn't belive it!

     Yesterday in my photography class we devolped our film and then we were in the dark room making pictures.As I was opening my film,as always I had a little trouble. I felt determined and I did not want to give up. So even though opening may have took me longer,I did it! I was shocked.I didn't have to ask a teacher or one of my class mates for help. It may be simple,but the simplest things make me happy. I was so excited and relieved. I do need to have more confidence in myself,I have to change questioning myself. I know I can do it,and I just have to keep trying. Being able to open my film yesterday made me have more confidence in myself. I should not doubt myself,it is a bad habit. I am going to stop that bad habit and have more confidence in myself. To me it doesn't matter how much time it takes to complete a task as long as I complete it.